※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

The harsh educational society and economic disparity are cornering young people, leading them to reach out for legal drugs.

Even at the top private middle school in Seoul where my beloved daughter attends, there have been drug arrests.

That student was seeking relief from intense exam study, and was purchasing drugs on the internet.

The student was aware of the dangers of “legal drugs”.

When I asked my son, who will be taking the university entrance exam next year, he said that while there had been no arrests at his high school, it was not uncommon for his classmates to possess drugs.

“I was lost for words when he casually replied, ‘Even seniors who entered Seoul University with excellent grades occasionally used them. It all depends on how you use them.’

“Educational society”, “Result-oriented”, “Class society”. The harshness of contemporary Korean society is pushing young people towards drugs.

Japan is not unrelated. The reporting in Japan seems to be considerate of the relations between the two countries, but the truth is serious.

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